经济理论与经济管理 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (12): 73-92.

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  1. 戴明禹,浙江财经大学会计学院,邮政编码:310018,电子信箱:dai19920927@zufeeducn;滕曼茹(通讯作者),东北财经大学会计学院。
  • 出版日期:2024-12-16 发布日期:2025-01-18
  • 基金资助:

The Impact of State-owned Capital Participation on Financing of Upstream and Downstream Enterprises in the Supply Chain of Private Enterprises

  1. 1 School of Accounting,Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics of China;
    2 School of Accounting,Dongbei University of Finance and Economics of China
  • Online:2024-12-16 Published:2025-01-18

摘要: 深化混合所有制改革是提升产业链供应链现代化水平的破题之道。本文利用2003—2022年沪深A股上市公司供应链数据,以供应链溢出为视角,结合供应链市场地位差异,探究了国有资本参股对被参股民营企业供应链上下游企业融资的非对称性影响。研究发现,国有资本参股提升了被参股民营企业主要供应商的信贷规模和信贷期限,但降低了主要客户的银行信贷融资水平,表现出非对称性的供应链溢出效应;机制研究发现,被参股民营企业对上下游企业增信作用的非对称性是重要的内在影响机制。同时,被参股民营企业会通过向下游企业提供商业信用以替代银行信贷融资方式,缓解其融资困境,表明国有资本参股对民营企业融资环境的改善能够通过增信效应和商业信用供给方式提升供应链上下游企业融资能力。此外,当信贷政策较宽松、供应链依赖性较高时,供应链溢出效应更显著。最后,国有资本参股对被参股民营企业供应链上下游企业融资能力的提升能够进一步巩固所在供应链整体的稳定性。本文研究结论对深化混合所有制改革、强化供应链稳定性具有一定的启示意义。 

关键词: 国有资本参股, 供应链, 银行信贷融资, 商业信用, 供应链稳定性

Abstract: Currently,China is accelerating the construction of the new development paradigm featuring dual circulation,in which domestic and overseas markets reinforce each other,with the domestic market as the mainstay In the process of improving the modernization level of the supply chain,stateowned enterprises have been given an important mission How to accelerate the full fulfillment of the mission of stateowned enterprises in the industrial chain and supply chain,mixed ownership reform can be seen as the way to solve the problem This paper explores the impact and mechanism of stateowned capital participation on credit financing for upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain of private enterprises,from the perspective of supply chain spillover
This paper found that stateowned capital participation has increased the credit scale and credit term of the main suppliers of the private enterprises participated in,but has reduced the bank credit financing level of the main customers;Mechanism research has found that the asymmetry of the credit enhancement effect of private enterprises with equity participation on upstream and downstream enterprises is an important internal influencing mechanism At the same time,private enterprises that are invested in will alleviate their financing difficulties by providing commercial credit to downstream enterprises as an alternative to bank credit financing methods;In addition,when credit policies are loose and supply chain dependence is high,supply chain spillover effects are more significant;Finally,stateowned capital participation can further consolidate the overall stability of the supply chain by enhancing the financing capabilities of the upstream and downstream enterprises in the private enterprise supply chain
Compared to existing studies,this paper makes possible marginal contributions in three aspects: firstly,expanding the scope of economic benefits of stateowned capital participation Secondly,the theoretical and empirical aspects reveal the inherent mechanism of the asymmetric impact of stateowned capital participation on bank credit financing for upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain of private enterprises Thirdly,the mechanism of stateowned capital participation in the supply chain of private enterprises was explored from the perspectives of bank credit and commercial credit,and the impact of supply chain financing on the stability of the entire supply chain was explored

Key words: state-owned capital participation, supply chain, bank credit financing, trade credit, supply chain stability