经济理论与经济管理 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (12): 56-72.

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  1. 中南财经政法大学公共管理学院
  • 出版日期:2024-12-16 发布日期:2025-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Gradual Delayed Retirement and Fiscal Responsibility of Pension Insurance for Government Agencies and Public Institutions: Calculation Based on Actuarial Models

  1. School of Public Administration,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
  • Online:2024-12-16 Published:2025-01-18

摘要: 2024年9月13日渐进式延迟退休年龄政策发布,自2025年1月1日起实施,正值机关事业单位养老保险十年过渡期结束之际。本文构建精算模型测算过渡期结束和渐进式延迟退休年龄政策对财政责任的影响,研究发现:(1)假定过渡期未结束,2025—2050年机关事业单位养老保险累计财政责任为10624万亿元;(2)当过渡期结束,养老金待遇计发执行新办法,如果补齐全额供款单位退休人员职业年金单位缴费或做实全额供款单位所有参保人员职业年金单位缴费,累计财政责任为6497万亿~7432万亿元,相较于过渡期未结束情形,累计财政责任下降3005%~3885%;(3)进一步实施渐进式延迟退休年龄政策,相较于前一情形,若男性和女性分别于63岁和58岁退休,累计财政责任下降1929%~2366%,若男性和女性分别于66岁和61岁退休,累计财政责任下降2681%~3286%。综上,过渡期结束会大幅度减轻财政责任,且进一步实施渐进式延迟退休年龄政策可以显著减轻政府负担。

关键词: This article constructs an actuarial model to calculate the impact of the end of the transition period and the policy of gradually delaying retirement age on fiscal responsibility The study found that: (1) Assuming that the transition period has not ended, and during the transition period, people still receive pension payments according to the new and old methods, the cumulative fiscal responsibility of government and public institutions pension insurance from 2025 to 2050 is 10624 trillion yuan;(2) When the transition period ends, the new method of calculating and issuing pension benefits will be implemented When the full payment of occupational pension contributions from retired units is made up or the occupational pension contributions from all insured units are verified, the cumulative financial responsibility will be 6497~7432 trillion yuan Compared with the situation before the end of the transition period, the cumulative financial responsibility will decrease by 3005%~3885%;(3) Further implement the gradual policy of delaying retirement age If the first plan of delaying retirement age is implemented, which means that men and women retire at the ages of 63 and 58 respectively, the cumulative fiscal responsibility will be 4960~5998 trillion yuan Compared with the previous situation, the cumulative fiscal responsibility will decrease by 1929%~2366% If the second plan of delaying retirement age is implemented, which means that men and women retire at the ages of 66 and 61 respectively, the cumulative fiscal responsibility will be 4362~5439 trillion yuan, and the cumulative fiscal responsibility will decrease by 2681%~3286% Overall, the end of the transition period will significantly reduce fiscal responsibility, and further implementing a gradual policy of delaying retirement age can significantly alleviate the governments burden

Abstract: On September 13,2024,the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress on Implementing the Gradual Delay of the Statutory Retirement Age was released The policy of gradual delay of the statutory retirement age will be implemented from January 1,2025,which coincides with the end of the tenyear transition period of pension insurance for government agencies and institutions At that time,the basic pension insurance system combining social pooling with personal accounts will be implemented in a unified manner
This article constructs an actuarial model to calculate the impact of the end of the transition period and the policy of gradually delaying retirement age on fiscal responsibility The study found that: (1) Assuming that the transition period has not ended,and during the transition period,people still receive pension payments according to the new and old methods,the cumulative fiscal responsibility of government and public institutions pension insurance from 2025 to 2050 is 10624 trillion yuan;(2) When the transition period ends,the new method of calculating and issuing pension benefits will be implemented When the full payment of occupational pension contributions from retired units is made up or the occupational pension contributions from all insured units are verified,the cumulative financial responsibility will be 6497~7432 trillion yuan Compared with the situation before the end of the transition period,the cumulative financial responsibility will decrease by 3005%~3885%;(3) Further implement the gradual policy of delaying retirement age If the first plan of delaying retirement age is implemented,which means that men and women retire at the ages of 63 and 58 respectively,the cumulative fiscal responsibility will be 4960~5998 trillion yuan Compared with the previous situation,the cumulative fiscal responsibility will decrease by 1929%~2366% If the second plan of delaying retirement age is implemented,which means that men and women retire at the ages of 66 and 61 respectively,the cumulative fiscal responsibility will be 4362~5439 trillion yuan,and the cumulative fiscal responsibility will decrease by 2681%~3286% Overall,the end of the transition period will significantly reduce fiscal responsibility,and further implementing a gradual policy of delaying retirement age can significantly alleviate the governments burden

Key words: 渐进式延迟退休年龄, 养老金并轨, 机关事业单位, 财政责任
