经济理论与经济管理 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (12): 19-35.

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  1. 彭俞超(通讯作者),中央财经大学金融学院,丝路金融研究中心,邮政编码:102206,电子信箱:yuchaopeng@cufeeducn;郜宜婷、朱菲菲,中央财经大学金融学院。
  • 出版日期:2024-12-16 发布日期:2025-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Innovative Monetary Policy and Corporate Innovation:A Dual Perspective of Financing and Governance

  1. 1 School of Finance,Central University of Finance and Economics;
    2 Belt & Road Finance Institute,Central University of Finance and Economics
  • Online:2024-12-16 Published:2025-01-18

摘要: 企业创新对推动我国经济高质量发展具有重要意义。借助中期借贷便利(MLF)担保品扩容这一外生事件,本文研究了创新型货币政策对微观企业创新的影响及其作用机制。文章发现,创新型货币政策可以通过缓解企业的融资约束,从而提高企业的创新产出。此外,不同于之前文献广泛讨论的融资约束渠道,本文发现,创新型货币政策还能够增强银行等金融机构对企业的监督效果,通过公司治理渠道,双管齐下地打破企业创新所面临的桎梏。本文的研究结论对完善未来货币政策框架、促进中国经济的高质量发展均具有重要启示。

关键词: 中期借贷便利(MLF), 企业创新, 融资约束, 公司治理

Abstract: In the process of Chinas highquality economic development,enterprise innovation plays a vital role This paper focuses on exploring the impact of monetary policies,especially innovative monetary policy tools,on enterprise innovation Specifically,taking the exogenous event of the expansion of the collateral for the Mediumterm Lending Facility (MLF) as an entry point,and using the differenceindifferences model,it conducts a multidimensional analysis by comparing the differences in the innovation output of enterprises whose bond collateral nature has changed before and after the policy implementation
Based on the research,this paper draws the following conclusions:Firstly,after the central bank implemented the policy of expanding the collateral for the MLF,the innovation output of enterprises has shown a significant increase This phenomenon indicates that this policy has played a positive and effective role in promoting enterprise innovation,injecting strong impetus into enterprise innovation activities,and verifying the positive correlation between innovative monetary policies and enterprise innovation output from the perspective of actual data
Secondly,considering the characteristic that the implementation of the MLF policy highly depends on the participation of bank institutional investors,the expansion of the collateral policy demonstrates a unique impact mechanism On the one hand,it can strengthen the supervisory role of banks as creditors,making enterprises pay more attention to longterm strategic planning in the process of business decisionmaking and increasing their investment in research and development This supervisory role is like an “invisible hand”,guiding enterprises to focus on longterm development and avoid shortterm behaviors,thus creating a favorable internal governance environment for innovation activities On the other hand,more intuitively,the expansion of the MLF collateral policy can effectively reduce the bond issuance costs of enterprises and provide sufficient and stable financial support for enterprises to carry out research and development activities 
Finally,the promoting effect of innovative monetary policies on enterprise innovation output shows obvious heterogeneity among different types of enterprises Specifically,for nonstateowned enterprises and those with low credit ratings,innovative monetary policies have played a crucial role By effectively alleviating the financing constraint problems faced by enterprises,they have significantly enhanced the innovation output of these enterprises This reflects the unique value of this policy in helping such relatively disadvantaged enterprises break through the capital bottleneck and stimulate innovation vitality In regions with a high concentration of banks and among enterprises that had a closer borrowing relationship with banks before the policy shock,innovative monetary policies can more effectively enhance the innovation output of enterprises by strengthening the supervisory role of banks as creditors 

Key words: Medium-term Lending Facility (MLF), corporate innovation, financing constraints, corporate governance