经济理论与经济管理 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 104-112.

• 民营经济 • 上一篇    


 包国宪, 李毅   

  1. 兰州大学管理学院
  • 收稿日期:2011-12-02 出版日期:2012-02-16 发布日期:2012-03-05
  • 作者简介:包国宪(1956—),男,甘肃庆阳人,兰州大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,管理学博士 李毅(1986—),男,甘肃陇南人,兰州大学管理学院硕士研究生

——Based on Load and Contribution Model Analysis

 BAO  Guo-Xian, LI  Yi   

  1. School of Management, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou , China
  • Received:2011-12-02 Online:2012-02-16 Published:2012-03-05

摘要: 本文基于中国西部地区非规范市场经济环境,探讨了民营经济发展的负担和贡献问题。应用负担贡献研究模型,比较分析了2005—2010年中国各地区民营经济发展数据。从社会公平的视角,对各地区民营经济发展的负担贡献进行了比较研究;从资源有效配置的视角,对民营经济和国有经济之间的关系进行了研究。研究发现,民营经济和国有经济之间存在密切的内在联系,通过政府积极引导可以使它们之间形成良性互动机制。

关键词: 民营经济 , 负担 , 贡献 , 西部 , 模型分析

Abstract:  Based on Chinas western region where the market economy environment is nonstandard, this paper discussed the development of the private economys load and contribution Employment and the average salary, these two easy measurably index associated with the development of the private economy, portrayed the burden and contribution Based on load and contribution model, this paper compared the data of the area private economic development from 2005 to 2010 Study on the development of the private economy for all regions by comparing the load and contribution from the perspective of fair, this paper analyzed the relationship between the private economy and the stateowned economy from the perspective of effective resource allocation Empirical results showed a close internal link between the private economy and stateowned economy existed

Key words: private economy , load , contribution , western Chinab , model analysis