经济理论与经济管理 ›› 2011, Vol. ›› Issue (10): 11-21.

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  1. 上海市发展改革研究院, 上海 200032
  • 收稿日期:2011-08-28 出版日期:2011-10-16 发布日期:2012-03-02


HE Xiao-xing   

  1. Shanghai Academy of Development and Reform, Shanghai 200032, China
  • Received:2011-08-28 Online:2011-10-16 Published:2012-03-02

摘要: 本文提出了关于外部性的新定义:没有参加特定相关合约,但却对该合约中的某特定行为人产生的影响,就是外部性。前述特定相关合约就是内部合约;没有参加特定相关合约的其他人,但同该合约中的特定行为人所达成的产生外部性影响的其他合约,就是外部合约。上述内外合约组合为双重合约。鉴于任何交易都有外部性,则每一个内部合约同时伴随着若干个外部合约,故双重合约是人类相互关系中普遍存在的事实。运用合作博弈与讨价还价理论,可以建立双重合约存在与稳定的模型。

关键词: 外部性, 合约, 公共选择, 帕累托最优, 退出权

Abstract: This paper posed a new definition of externality: the influence on the contractor by other people who did not involve in conclusion of the contract.The internal contract was the contract mentioned above,and the external contract was realized by the internal contractor and the aforesaid "other people" who were not under control of the internal contract,but have influence on the internal contractor.The internal contract and external contract formed a dual contract,which was universal.The dual contract could be explained by public choice,cooperative gambling,bargaining and general equilibrium.

Key words: externality, contract, public choice, Pareto optimality, withdrawal right
