经济理论与经济管理 ›› 2011, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 89-97.

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刘刚1, 李峰2   

  1. 1. 中国人民大学商学院, 北京 100872;
    2. 中国邮政集团公司邮政业务局, 北京 100808
  • 收稿日期:2010-12-12 出版日期:2011-03-16 发布日期:2011-06-10
  • 作者简介:刘刚(1972- ),男,江西吉安人,中国人民大学商学院教授,管理学博士;李峰(1983- ),男,山西离石人,中国邮政集团公司邮政业务局职员.

EMPIRICAL RESEARCH ON THE IMPACT MECHANISM OF ETHICS PROGRAM ON JOB SATISFACTION——Based on Mediating Effects of Employees' Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility

LIU Gang1, LI Feng2   

  1. 1. School of Business, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China;
    2. Postal Service Bureau, China Post Group, Beijing 100808, China
  • Received:2010-12-12 Online:2011-03-16 Published:2011-06-10

摘要: 本文构建了企业道德建设、员工感知的企业社会责任和员工满意度的中介模型及相关假设,包括1个主模型和3个分别基于企业道德建设、员工感知的企业社会责任和员工满意度的子模型。对227个有效样本的实证研究结果表明,员工感知的企业社会责任在企业道德建设与员工满意度之间发挥了中介效应;员工感知的企业社会责任分别在企业道德建设的4个子维度(是否拥有道德守则、是否拥有道德培训、道德守则的推广、道德培训时间)与员工满意度的正向关系中发挥了中介效应;员工感知的企业对顾客、环境和员工的责任分别在企业道德建设和员工满意度之间发挥了中介效应;员工感知的企业社会责任的中介效应还存在于企业道德建设和员工满意度的两个维度(内在满意度和外在满意度)之间。

关键词: 企业道德建设, 员工感知的企业社会责任, 员工满意度, 中介效应

Abstract: This study built mediating models and hypotheses of the impact mechanism among three factors of ethics programs(EP),employees' perception of corporate social responsibility(PCSR) and job satisfaction(JS),including one master model and three sub-models respectively on EP,PCSR and JS.Obtaining data by questionnaires and based on the analysis of 227 effective samples,the main conclusions were as follows: PCSR mediates the relationship of EP and JS;PCSR mediates the positive association between the four sub-dimensions of EP(establishment of ethics codes,ethics training,promotion of ethics codes,duration of ethics training) and JS;PCSR plays a mediation role respectively to customers,to the environment and to employees in the relationship between EP and JS;the mediatory effects of PCSR also exist in EP and the two dimensions of JS(intrinsic satisfaction and extrinsic satisfaction).

Key words: ethics program, employees&rsquo, perception of corporate social responsibility, job satisfaction, mediating effect
