经济理论与经济管理 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (12): 129-145.

• 数理模型园地 • 上一篇    



  1. 王诗桪、许桦,福州大学经济与管理学院;张思思,厦门大学南洋研究院;高廷帆(通讯作者),首都经济贸易大学经济学院,邮政编码:100070,电子信箱:gtfneverland@126com。
  • 出版日期:2024-12-16 发布日期:2025-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Developing Market,Product Quality and Traffic Data Game

  1. 1 School of Economics and Management,Fuzhou University
    2 Research School for Southeast Asian Studies,Xiamen University
    3 School of Economics,Capital University of Economics and Business
  • Online:2024-12-16 Published:2025-01-18

摘要: 互联网平台是激活下沉市场、释放国内需求的重要方式。基于纵向差异化模型,本文分析了流量竞争情境下,不同的流量类型、流量定价方式对市场绩效的影响。研究发现,公域流量在促进竞争、降低价格的同时,也因扩张市场规模提升了商家利润。然而,具有垄断势力的平台参与流量定价分发后,对异质性流量将采取不同垄断收益获取方式,此时公域流量对商家和消费者的积极作用有所减弱,特别是对下沉市场开发的积极作用将进一步减弱。

关键词: 下沉市场, 纵向差异化, 流量定价, 电商平台

Abstract: Internet ecommerce platforms face market saturation in firsttier cities while emerging markets in smaller cities and rural areas present new growth opportunities Existing studies primarily explain the challenges of developing the developing market from the perspectives of logistics infrastructure and information infrastructure Beyond these established research angles,this paper attempts to introduce a new perspective,analyzing the issues from the angle of traffic data competition and product vertical differentiation,to offer a new explanation for platform strategy choices in different markets
Using a multistage game model,we analyze how platforms determine traffic types and pricing,merchants select traffic contracts,and engage in price competition with vertical quality differentiation Results show platforms tend to use developing markets for traffic revenue,while firsttier markets remain their primary profit source This leads to higher market prices,reduced merchant profits,increased highquality merchant market share,but lower qualitytoprice ratio for consumers
Furthermore,this paper examines situations where platforms act as both traffic provider and product supplier The research finds that platforms do not merely exploit market power to monopolize rents competition through traffic control,thereby capturing more consumer surplus as a product supplier Platforms may also create a favorable competitive environment for themselves through traffic management,enhancing their own product market profits This paper also examines the scenario of private domain traffic Private domain traffic can offset the influence of platform market power Merchants can convert public domain traffic into private domain traffic and obtain recurring income from it This makes goods accessible to consumers with lower quality preferences,thereby facilitating the development of lowertier markets
This paper demonstrates that platforms with a monopolistic advantage in traffic may transmit market power through various forms The study uncovers different mechanisms and their impacts on market equilibrium,thereby offering a new perspective for evaluating traffic monopolistic behaviors and assessing market performance

Key words: developing market, vertical differentiation, traffic data pricing, e-commerce platform