经济理论与经济管理 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (10): 148-164.

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  1. 广西壮族自治区发展和改革委员会
  • 出版日期:2024-10-16 发布日期:2024-12-20

The Technology of Conflict and Endogenous Authority:The Problem of the Origin of the State

  1. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission
  • Online:2024-10-16 Published:2024-12-20

摘要: 本文试图从无政府状态的分析出发,初步探讨国家起源的条件。本文以“冲突的技术”刻画人们在冲突中的争夺投入如何影响获胜的概率,而以“冲突的技术的弹性”刻画获胜概率对争夺投入的敏感性,进而构建了一个法律缺失环境下的内生权威模型,证明了Hirshleifer(1995)关于无政府状态崩溃之后将会出现等级制的猜想,进而给出了国家产生的一个必要条件。具体地,冲突的技术的弹性小于某一临界值时,没有权威的无政府状态成为均衡的社会秩序;冲突的技术的弹性大于这一临界值时,蕴含权威的等级制成为均衡的社会秩序。这表明,冲突的技术的弹性足够大,是国家产生的一个必要条件。本文还以中国国家起源为例展示了该模型的解释力及其适用性。

关键词: 无政府状态, 冲突的技术, 内生权威, 国家起源

Abstract: The state did not exist from the beginning From a temporal perspective,the state emerged after humans entered agricultural society From a spatial perspective,the states that independently emerged throughout the world were often located in areas restricted by geographical environment The question arises: under what conditions does the state emerge? This paper attempts to preliminarily explore the conditions for the origin of the state through the analysis of anarchy 
This paper constructs a model of endogenous authority in a state of lawlessness,focusing on the impact of technology of conflict on social order,proving the conjecture Proposed Hirshleifer (1995) that the anarchy may break down into hierarchy,which offers a necessary condition to the origin of the state Specifically,by using the technology of conflict to depict how the fighting efforts to affect the probability of winning,and the elasticity of technology of conflict to depict the sensitivity of winning probability to the fighting effort,the model proves that when the elasticity of technology of conflict is less than a certain critical value,the anarchy without authority would result in a social order of equilibrium;when the elasticity of conflict technology is greater than this critical value,the hierarchy with authority would result in a social order of equilibrium This paper believes that the primary nature of the state is a hierarchy based on violence or the threat of violence Without hierarchy,there can be no state Therefore,the conditions for the emergence of hierarchy are also the necessary conditions for the origin of the state In this sense,this paper presents a necessary condition for the origin of the state,namely that the elasticity of the technology of conflict is sufficiently large This is consistent with Carneiros (1970) theory of environmental constraints 
This paper may contribute in two ways On the one hand,it provides a foundation for theoretical research on the origin of the state,that is,the necessary conditions for state formation;on the other hand,it offers insights for empirical research on the origin of the state,such as archaeological studies,that is,more systematic attention should be paid to the impact of changes in the technology of conflict on the origin of the state 

Key words: anarchy, technology of conflict, endogenous authority, the origin of the state