经济理论与经济管理 ›› 2012, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 26-35.

• 经济热点 • 上一篇    下一篇


 夏柱兵1, 马骁2, 蒲明2   

  1. 1 中央财经大学,北京 ;2西南财经大学,成都
  • 收稿日期:2012-01-12 出版日期:2012-03-16 发布日期:2012-03-30
  • 作者简介:夏柱兵(1971—),男,安徽合肥人,中央财经大学经济学院; 马骁(1963—),男,四川成都人,西南财经大学财税学院教授,经济学博士; 浦明(1977—),男,四川成都人,西南财经大学保险学院副教授,数学博士。

INCOME INEQUALITY OF URBAN HOUSEHOLDS——Based on Urban Household Survey Monthly Data of Anhui Province in 2005-2009

 XIA  Zhu-Bing-1, MA  Xiao-2, PU  Ming-2   

  1. 1School of Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing , China 2 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu , China
  • Received:2012-01-12 Online:2012-03-16 Published:2012-03-30

摘要: 本文以经典的经济增长理论为基础,结合中等收入国家的特点,提出如下理论假设:通胀所造成的家庭福利损失会影响中等收入国家宏观经济的发展,进而推动相关国家陷入“中等收入陷阱”。而后通过FGLS、差分GMM,以及系统GMM的方法对陷入“中等收入陷阱”的典型国家进行回归分析。分析结果表明,在控制了基础设施、债务水平、技术创新以及储蓄率这些影响因素之后,通胀对上述国家人均GDP增长率均有显著的负向影响,即使是在年均通胀率只有514%的东亚国家组,通胀对人均GDP增长率的平均影响也达到了123个百分点~221个百分点,影响比重达到了27%~48%。所以,我们应该加强对通胀的调控,以确保我国经济能够持续健康地发展。

关键词: 中等收入陷阱 , 通货膨胀 , 家庭福利损失

Abstract: Based on the monthly urban household survey data of Anhui province from 2005 to 2009 which could be hardly found in current literature, this paper investigated income disparity among urban households The results showed that the Gini ratio based on monthly data was bigger than that based on yearly data Moreover, the dominant issue of urban income inequality in main income sources was wage disparity Furthermore, the increase rate of income of different income groups would raise as the average income increased The income gap between low and top income groups would continuously increase Additionally, the empirical result also indicated that redistribution had little effect to solve the problem of income disparity Urban top income group paid limited individual income tax Meanwhile, urban minimum living standard scheme had not yet realized its goal of “fully admittance of the qualified and no admittance of the unqualified”

Key words: household survey , income disparity , minimum living standard schem