经济理论与经济管理 ›› 2025, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 55-72.

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  1. 皮建才(通讯作者)、罗禹涵,南京大学经济学院,邮政编码:210093,电子信箱:pi2008@njueducn。
  • 出版日期:2025-01-16 发布日期:2025-02-18

The Spillovers of Intelligent Manufacturing Pilot Demonstration and the Innovation of Key Technology

  1. School of Economics,Nanjing University
  • Online:2025-01-16 Published:2025-02-18

摘要: 关键技术体系的建设是发展新质生产力的重要前提。本文将中国智能制造试点示范政策视为准自然实验,探寻这一基于优秀智能工厂、平台的试点示范与推广行为是否以及如何有助于带动区域内非试点企业进行关键技术创新。实证分析发现:(1)政策显著地提高了同城市非试点企业的关键技术创新水平。(2)知识溢出效应与市场探索效应是重要渠道。(3)关键技术创新水平的提升更容易发生在融资约束问题小、所处市场集中度高、受研发补贴多的企业身上。非关键技术创新则并不会明显受上述因素制约。(4)非智能制造领域的关键技术创新水平也有显著提升,各企业的关键技术创新策略呈现稳中求进的特征。综合上述发现,本文为我国如何进一步以点带面攻关核心技术提供了一定的启示。

关键词: 智能制造, 关键技术创新, 溢出效应

Abstract: Building independent and controllable key technology systems is crucial for China to achieve its goal of highquality development Factors such as unclear R&D routes,low success rates,and insufficient market incentives form the main barriers to key technological innovation
The pilot programs for intelligent manufacturing are a policy strategy designed to promote the integration of nextgeneration information and communication technologies with advanced manufacturing technologies Although these pilot programs involve only a few enterprises,their core goal is to use these enterprises as role models,providing advanced,replicable,and scalable manufacturing standards for other regional enterprises,while leveraging platform effects to strengthen technological and production links between companies 
This paper primarily uses data from listed companies between 2010 and 2019,treating intelligent manufacturing pilot programs as a quasinatural experiment,to investigate whether and how the policy promotes key technological innovation among nonpilot enterprises in the same region The benchmark regression results show that the pilot policy can promote key technological innovation in nonpilot enterprises within the same city This result is attributed to knowledge spillover effects and market exploration effects The heterogeneity analysis reveals that the policy spillover effect on key technological innovation is more pronounced in enterprises with lower financing constraints,higher market concentration,and more R&D subsidies In contrast,the effects are not significant for nonkey technological innovation
Compared to the recent literature,this paper makes three main contributions:
First,despite the importance of key technological innovation,the empirical research in this area remains relatively scarce Our study provides detailed empirical evidence,contributing to the literature on this critical issue
Second,previous studies have mostly focused on the impact of intelligent manufacturing pilot policies on participating enterprises However,we explore the spillover effects of the policy on nonparticipating enterprises in the same region,uncovering important policy impacts that may have been underestimated or overlooked in the earlier research
Finally,we discuss the mechanisms of action from the perspectives of knowledge spillover and market exploration Our study provides a reference for further building key core technology systems through collaboration and mutual assistance among enterprises in the future

Key words: intelligent manufacturing, key technology innovation, spillover effect