经济理论与经济管理 ›› 2025, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 21-36.

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  1. 左丛民,南京农业大学经济管理学院;章元(通讯作者),复旦大学经济学院、中国社会主义市场经济研究中心,复旦-平安宏观经济研究中心,邮政编码:200433,电子信箱:zhangyuanfd@fudaneducn;王玥,复旦大学经济学院。

  • 出版日期:2025-01-16 发布日期:2025-02-18
  • 基金资助:

Development of Tertiary Industry and Relative Poverty Alleviation:Perspective from Labor Share in GDP

  1. 1 College of Economics and Management,Nanjing Agricultural University;
    2 School of Economics,Fudan University
  • Online:2025-01-16 Published:2025-02-18

摘要: 实现共同富裕的远景目标须巩固已有脱贫成果,建立解决相对贫困的长效机制。本文通过理论模型刻画了服务业就业比重影响相对贫困的机制,认为服务业就业比重上升能通过提高初次分配中劳动收入份额带来“亲贫”效应,有助于降低相对贫困。本文基于1993—2017年省级面板数据展开实证研究,发现服务业就业比重上升显著提高了劳动收入份额,该效果在中国经济越过刘易斯拐点之后更加明显。劳动收入份额提高能显著降低相对贫困发生率和相对贫困深度。本文结论有助于理解中国就业结构演变对收入分配的影响,也为中国在高质量发展和实现第二个百年奋斗目标的征途中,制定改善收入分配和推进共同富裕的政策提供了重要启示。

关键词: 共同富裕, 服务业, 劳动收入份额, 相对贫困

Abstract: Achieving common prosperity is a historic mission of the Communist Party of China Despite eradicating absolute poverty and becoming the worlds secondlargest economy,China faces challenges in addressing income inequality and relative poverty Relative poverty,marked by the welfare gap between lowincome groups and others,remains critical to inclusive development This study explores how industrial transformation and the rising service sector employment share affect relative poverty through changes in labor income share
This study develops a theoretical model to illustrate the mechanism by which the share of employment in the service sector affects the share of labour income and relative poverty The theoretical framework posits that a higher share of employment in the service sector contributes to an increase in the labour income share,which leads to a propoor effect by reducing relative poverty Using provincial panel data from 1993 to 2017,the study empirically tests these hypotheses and finds several key findings First,an increase in the employment share of the service sector significantly raises the labour income share Second,the positive effect of service employment on the labour income share becomes more pronounced after China passes the Lewis tipping point,reflecting a shift in labour market dynamics Third,an increase in the labour income share significantly reduces both the incidence and depth of relative poverty,confirming its role as a critical factor in reducing income inequality Finally,further mechanism analysis shows that the labour income share serves as an important intermediary linking the employment structure to the reduction of relative poverty
The contribution of this study is twofold First,it enriches the literature on relative poverty in China by filling a research gap in the theoretical and empirical analysis of its determinants While previous studies have mainly focused on descriptive statistics,this study constructs a rigorous general equilibrium model to capture the dynamic relationship between employment structure,labour income share and relative poverty Second,it extends the understanding of how the development of the service sector affects income distribution,in particular its impact on the welfare of lowincome groups
Our findings can help to understand the role of employment structure in determining income distribution and shed light on policymaking to reduce inequality and relative poverty as China moves towards shared prosperity Given Chinas large agricultural population and relatively low levels of education among middle and low income groups,promoting the growth of the service sector and labourintensive industries is essential to absorb employment and raise wages for vulnerable groups

Key words: common prosperity, tertiary industry, labor share in GDP, relative poverty