经济理论与经济管理 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (11): 1-14.

• 高质量发展之路:深入学习党的二十届三中全会精神 •    下一篇



  1. 范从来,南京大学长江三角洲经济社会发展研究中心,邮政编码:210093,电子信箱:fancl@njueducn;郑琼洁,南京市社会科学院经济发展研究所、江苏省扬子江创新型城市研究院,邮政编码:210018,电子信箱:qiongjiezheng@126com。
  • 出版日期:2024-11-15 发布日期:2025-01-15
  • 基金资助:

AI:The New Qualitative Forms of New Quality Productive Forces and Its Development Strategy

  1. 1 Yangtze River Delta Economic and Social Development Center,Nanjing University;
    2 Institute of Economic Development,Nanjing Academy of Social Sciences
  • Online:2024-11-15 Published:2025-01-15

摘要: 发展新质生产力的关键是要认清新质生产力的新质态,只有认清了新质生产力的新质态,才能建立起适应新质生产力发展要求的生产关系。本文从人工智能视角系统探讨了新质生产力的三种新质态:开源创新、迭代演化及超大规模,分析了它们对生产关系优化的潜在影响。开源创新促进知识共享,显著提高了技术研发效率;迭代演化展现了AI技术在自我优化方面的显著能力,实现了模型性能的跨越式提升,推动技术与资本之间的关系发生变化;超大规模则使AI在处理复杂数据时展现出强大的适应性与精准性。基于此,本文提出发展新质生产力的五大战略,即建立健全开源创新新生态、聚焦基础大模型、强化技术主导、鼓励龙头企业深度参与以及推动政府调控模式的转型。

关键词: 人工智能, 新质生产力, 开源创新, 迭代演化, 超大规模

Abstract: Open source innovation promotes knowledge sharing and significantly improves the efficiency of technology research and development The primary logic of opensource innovation lies in its ability to rapidly diffuse applications,meaning that innovation outcomes can be quickly adopted and applied widely The second foundational logic is the reduction of potential risks By attracting a wide range of researchers and enterprises to participate,risks are shared and complementary advantages are realized,which brings unprecedented momentum to disruptive technological innovation
Iterative evolution shows the remarkable ability of AI technology in selfoptimization,promotes the leapfrog improvement of model performance,leads to the adjustment of the innovation chain,and changes in the relationship between technology and capital The iterative evolution characteristic of AI technology means that the technology is gradually perfected in continuous development,and each stages product may become an innovation point in the market 
Superlarge scale enables AI to demonstrate strong adaptability and precision in processing complex data,reducing costs and improving production efficiency through scale effects,providing a material basis and technical support for the formation of new quality productive forces At the same time,new quality productive forces achieve optimization of resource allocation and further improvement of production efficiency through technological and management innovation,promoting the development of superlargescale production to a higher level 
Based on this,this study puts forward five strategic suggestions for the development of new quality productivity,including establishing and improving a new ecosystem of open source innovation,focusing on basic large models,strengthening technical guidance,encouraging the indepth participation of leading enterprises,and promoting the transformation of government regulation and control mode

Key words: rtificial intelligence, new quality of productivity, open source innovation, iteration evolution, superlarge scale