Economic Theory and Business Management ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 1-18.

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Coordinating the Development of Secondary and Tertiary Industries to Stabilize Economic Growth and Promote High-quality Development


  1. School of Economics and Finance,Huaqiao University
  • Online:2024-07-02 Published:2024-06-16



  1. 华侨大学经济与金融学院
  • 基金资助:

Abstract:  The practical context of this research is threefold:the new global technological revolution and industrial transformation,which present new trends in the structural changes of secondary and tertiary industries As Chinas economy enters the late stage of industrialization,the changes in these industries have become a focal issue The new stage of development accelerates the creation of a new development pattern,giving a fresh meaning to the coordinated development of secondary and tertiary industries
The concept of the coordinated development of the secondary and tertiary industries can be understood in two aspects:Firstly,the coordinated development of the secondary and tertiary industries refers to an objective process or state without indicating external influence This could result from natural market regulation or the combined effects of market forces and government intervention Secondly,the integrated and coordinated development of the secondary and tertiary industries,where “integrated” implies comprehensive planning “Integrated coordination” inherently includes government macroeconomic intervention in the relationship between these industries,encompassing government planning,industrial policies,and other aspects Therefore,studying the integrated and coordinated development of the secondary and tertiary industries involves a combination of theoretical and policy research,encompassing both objective analysis and the study of policy rationality
The major issues involved in this coordination includes:firstly,whether marketdriven structural changes in secondary and tertiary industries lead to a continuous structural slowdown in the economy,and whether government coordination can alter this trend;secondly,whether these structural changes affect the quality of economic development,and whether government intervention can promote highquality economic growth;thirdly,whether these changes impact other aspects of economic operations and development,and whether government coordination can resolve or alleviate these issues
Therefore,it is essential to focus on the potential economic slowdown caused by structural changes in the secondary and tertiary industries and to investigate how to coordinate their development to promote stable and rapid economic growth;it is crucial to study the potential impact of these structural changes on the quality of economic development and to explore how coordinated development of the secondary and tertiary industries can drive highquality economic growth;it is necessary to concentrate on the possible effects of structural changes in these industries on urban and rural regional development,aiming to find ways to coordinate their development to foster balanced and harmonious urban and rural regional growth
The main policy directions encompass three aspects:(1) macroeconomic policy:strengthen macroeconomic control policies to mitigate triple pressures and stabilize economic growth,creating conditions for rectifying new industrial structural imbalances Key policy measures include designing a scheme for issuing consumption vouchers to lowincome residents to expand consumption demand,fully promoting the digital transformation of manufacturing to foster qualitydriven investment and address weaknesses in the industrial chain,and formulating and announcing medium and longterm tax reduction plans to guide,stabilize,and enhance market expectations (2) industrial structure policy:enhance the role of industrial structure policies by coordinating the development of manufacturing and service industries within the context of advancing new industrialization Implement supportive industrial structure policies that treat all types of enterprises equally (3) urbanrural regional policy:the rural revitalization strategy should be vigorously implemented to promote the development of nonagricultural industries in towns and villages This includes promoting the strategy of localized urbanization,guiding the transfer of some urban industries to towns,especially encouraging the transfer of eastern urban industries to towns in the central and western regions,and supporting the return of talent and other resources to rural areas Additionally,the implementation of a regional coordinated development strategy should be accelerated to facilitate the regional transfer and optimal allocation of industries

Key words: coordination, secondary and tertiary industries, development, major issues

摘要: 研究这个问题的实践背景是:世界新科技革命和产业变革的发展,使二三产业的结构变动出现新的趋势;中国经济发展进入工业化后期阶段,二三产业的变动关系成为一个热点问题;新发展阶段加快构建新发展格局,使二三产业统筹协调发展具有新的内涵。二三产业统筹协调发展涉及的重大问题主要包括:一是市场作用下的二三产业结构变动是否导致经济持续结构性减速,政府统筹协调二三产业发展能否改变结构性减速的趋势;二是市场作用下的二三产业结构变动是否影响经济发展质量,政府统筹协调二三产业发展能否推动经济高质量发展;三是市场作用下的二三产业结构变动是否影响到经济运行和发展中的其他问题,政府统筹协调二三产业发展能否解决或缓解这些问题。因此,围绕二三产业结构变化可能引起的经济减速,要研究如何统筹协调二三产业发展以促进经济平稳较快增长;围绕二三产业结构变化对经济发展质量的可能影响,要研究如何统筹协调二三产业发展以推动经济高质量发展;围绕二三产业结构变化对城乡区域发展的可能影响,要研究如何统筹协调二三产业发展以促进城乡区域协调发展。主要政策取向是:加大宏观调控政策力度,化解三重压力稳增长,为改变新的产业结构失衡创造条件;加强产业结构政策作用,在推进新型工业化的政策背景下,协调好制造业与服务业的发展关系;改善城乡区域发展政策,实施就地城镇化战略,推动东部城市产业向中西部城镇转移。

关键词: 统筹协调, 二三产业, 发展, 重大问题