Economic Theory and Business Management ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 22-37.

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  1. 1 School of Government,Shenzhen University of China;
    2 School of Finance,Renmin University of China;
    3 College of Business,Southern University of Science and Technology
  • Online:2023-06-09 Published:2023-05-16



  1. 1   深圳大学政府管理学院;   2 吧 中国人民大学财政金融学院、中国人民大学财政金融政策研究中心;   3  叶茂亮,南方科技大学商学院。
  • 基金资助:
    本文得到国家自然科学基金青年项目“资源价格波动、财政收支与经济增长”(项目编号:71903132)、国家自然科学基金面上项目“高铁的经济效应——市场力量与地方政府行为的双重作用” (项目编号:71773125)、广东省财政科研课题“疫情冲击下财政健康分析”(项目编号:Z202279)和深圳市哲学社会科学规划2021年度课题(项目编号:SZ2021D020)的资助。

Abstract: Developing manufacturing industry is an important way for resourcebased regions to realize economic transformation and sustainable development during the “14th Fiveyear Plan” period Theoretically,the mining industry will produce both crowdingout and crowdingin effects on the development of the manufacturing industry Based on the micro data of abovescale industrial enterprises from 1998 to 2013 and countylevel data,this paper empirically analyzes the impact of the mining boom on local manufacturing The results show that although the mining boom boosted local wages,it still promoted local manufacturing output and productivity,implying that the crowdingin effect is stronger than the crowdingout effect From the perspective of the mechanism:firstly,mining boom drove the development of the upstream manufacturing industry through industry linkage effect;secondly,through the expansion of the market scale and agglomeration effect,it improved the productivity of nonrelated manufacturing enterprises,thereby offsetting the increase of labor costs;finally,the expansion of local fiscal expenditure was also conducive to the development of local manufacturing industry developing resourcerelated manufacturing industries and cultivating manufacturing industry clusters will help the manufacturing industry to become the economic engine of resourcebased regions and promote highquality regional development

Key words: mining industry, manufacturing industry, industrial agglomeration, resource curse, firm productivity

摘要: 发展制造业是“十四五”时期资源型地区实现经济转型和可持续发展的重要出路。从理论上看,采矿业对制造业发展会同时产生挤出效应和挤入效应。本文基于1998—2013年中国规模以上制造业企业微观数据以及县级数据,检验了采矿业繁荣对当地制造业的影响。本文研究结果表明,采矿业繁荣尽管提高了当地制造业的劳动力成本,但仍然促进了当地制造业总产值和企业生产率的增长,即挤入效应大于挤出效应。从作用机制上看:首先,采矿业繁荣通过产业关联效应带动了上游制造业的发展;其次,通过市场规模扩大和集聚效应,采矿业繁荣提升了非关联制造业企业的生产率,从而抵消了劳动力成本上升带来的不利影响;最后,地方财政支出扩张也有利于当地制造业的发展。这意味着资源型地区通过因势利导,大力发展与资源相关联的制造业、培育制造业产业集群,将有助于制造业成为驱动经济增长的引擎,推动区域实现高质量发展。

关键词: 采矿业, 制造业, 产业集聚, 资源诅咒, 企业生产率