Economic Theory and Business Management

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FACTORS STRUCTURE AND DIRECTED TECHNICAL CHANGE——Evidence from the “CityCounty Merger” of Chinese Cities

LI Lei1, 2,XU Changsheng2,LIU Changqing2#br#   

  1. 1Institute of Quality Development Strategy, Wuhan University;
    2School of Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Online:2019-04-19 Published:2019-04-16



  1. 1    武汉大学质量发展战略研究院;      2    华中科技大学经济学院。
  • 基金资助:
    本文得到国家社科基金重大项目 “推进我国工业化与信息化融合研究”(08 & ZD037)和华中科技大学自主创新基金项目(0118310081)的资助。


Based on the panel data of 267 prefecturelevel cities from 1997 to 2010, this paper uses the normalized supplyside system approach to measure the technical progress direction at the municipal levelBy the natural experiment of “CityCounty Merger”, we investigate the effect of factors structure change on the direction of technical change with the instrument methodThe study shows as follows: “CityCounty Merger” makes the capitallabor ratio rise and induces to the capitalbiased technical change, which is in line with the “weak induced bias hypothesis”.The effect of the “CityCounty Merger” on the technical progress of capital bias is conditionally limited to the area where capitallabor substitution elasticity is greater than 1 that means that capitallabor is substituted mutuallyCompared to the central and western regions, “CityCounty Merger” significantly increases the capitallabor ratio in the eastern region due to more abundant capital, which makes the direction of technical change biased towards capital

Key words: CityCounty Merger , factors structure , elasticity of substitution , directed technical change



关键词: 撤县设区 , 要素结构 , 要素替代弹性 , 偏向型技术进步